
4 results

jeez, I'll be damned if I can remember the name of this font

08 Apr 2004 10:02  hey rasko4 - yeah it's similar but the 'S' is more straight - I know I need a better example - it's a clientsituation where they came up to me with this cover and said: do us a poster in this font. th... – ehlers / thread

jeez, I'll be damned if I can remember the name of this font

08 Apr 2004 09:43  you could try trade gothic bold condensed but jeez, I'll be damned if you shouldn't find a better example if you really expect people to ID fonts. – rasko4 / thread

jeez, I'll be damned if I can remember the name of this font

08 Apr 2004 09:41  hmm, yes that was my first bet too - but the 's' and the 'a' in TOM WAITS are more strectched - so I was and and still are a bit unsure - hmm. thanx for your help – ehlers / thread

jeez, I'll be damned if I can remember the name of this font

08 Apr 2004 09:29  Try Eurostile Condensed. – billyFUN / thread