
1000 or more results

Climate Change

25 Jul 2024 22:31  *except it’s not going to be ok – mort_ / thread


25 Jul 2024 22:11  Two years ago, when I was on parental leave, my wife suggested I find something to do just by myself to get away. I was always playing this backgammon game on my phone — had been for many years — and... – monospaced / thread


25 Jul 2024 22:08   – elahon / thread

Kamala of the day

25 Jul 2024 22:06   – yuekit / thread

Trailer Of The Day

25 Jul 2024 22:03   – PhanLo / thread

Animation of the Day

25 Jul 2024 21:59   – PhanLo / thread


25 Jul 2024 21:35   – zaq / thread

Note Show some recent work

25 Jul 2024 21:23  Love your work. Here, I think the tees distract a bit from the work. – mort_ / thread

Show some recent work

25 Jul 2024 21:23  Advice Welcomed: H74 Book - Action Sports Section Putting together a section from 2003-2012 on various pieces done for the Action Sports market. Wanted to mimic the old CSS catalog shirt layout, but d... – hydro74 / thread

Note making beats

25 Jul 2024 20:45  Minifreak maybe. – mort_ / thread

Note making beats

25 Jul 2024 20:45  I wonder is the seller would consider a trade for my Microfreak – prophetone / thread

making beats

25 Jul 2024 20:45  Moog MiniMoog 1972 actual David Bowie Ziggy tour no 2 1972 https://reverb.com/item/83408144… – imbecile / thread


25 Jul 2024 20:10  NYC 1970s https://www.camilojosevergara.co… – mort_ / thread

Note Work Blog

25 Jul 2024 20:01  i did, but i'm moving on to solving the problem with a better resume. – imbecile / thread

Note Work Blog

25 Jul 2024 20:01  Race: Human – mort_ / thread

Note Work Blog

25 Jul 2024 20:01  The only way to stop bad racism is with good racism! – nb / thread

Note Work Blog

25 Jul 2024 20:01  Avoiding the slog of writing unique cover letters by using gpt is a great idea. You shouldn’t have to even answer the race question. – monospaced / thread

Note Work Blog

25 Jul 2024 20:01  Did you read the question, imbecile? – mort_ / thread

Note Work Blog

25 Jul 2024 20:01  try using chatgpt to craft resumes and cover letters using the job postng as inspiraton. essentially "rewrite my job description catering to this job posting" – imbecile / thread

Note Work Blog

25 Jul 2024 20:01  That would be illegal to ask in most countries. – mort_ / thread