
About Qooble

Qooble is a search engine for QBN. Why? Because we can do anything if we believe.

How to use


Type in the light blue search bar and press Enter.

Example: pali
No idea how to spell “palimpsest”? You are not alone. Just qooble for pali.

Example: qbn out of context
Looking for that special thread? You don’t have to click Next all day long. Just qooble it.

Latest posts

Click on the Latest link at the bottom of the page to see the latest posts loaded into Qooble.

Force exact matches

Normally Qooble will try find the closest matches to the search query. eg. pango may also match pantone. To force Qooble to only return exact matches, surround your query with double quotes (").

Example: "pango"


There are 5 filters you can use to narrow your search: user, topic, type, before & after. Put quotes around any filter that contains a space.

user, topic, type - Not case sensitive, but require correct spelling (see ~user and ~topic below if you are unsure of spelling). You can have multiple of them, they will OR-ed together. Although having type:reply AND type:note is the same as not entering the filter at all, because they are the only two options.

Example: type:reply user:pango user:cybrainx topic:"the gif animation thread"
This will return all replies made by either Pango or CyBrainX to the topic the gif animation thread.

!user, !topic - you can have a negatives filter by adding a ! in front. You can’t use multiple of the same filter at once.

Example: !topic:"QBNer of the day" !user:phanlo "phanlo" type:note
This will return all the notes that contain the word phanlo but were not written by the user phanlo and are not in the topic QBNer of the day.

~user, ~topic - if you are looking for a particular username or topic you can do a more focused search by adding a ~ in front. Whereas with user and topic filters described above you need to be exact, with these you can be more exploratory. These are exclusive, the first one found will be used and any other parts of the query will be discarded.

Example: ~user:"hans g"
This will return all users that are any kind of a match for hans g.

Example: ~topic:"pic day"
This will return all topics that are any kind of a match for pic day.

before, after - you can use these to limit the dates range returned. They support both date ('YYYY-MM-DD') and date time ('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm'). The format needs to be correct or the filter will be ignored, remember quotes if using date time. We have no idea what timezone is being used.

Example: user:cybrainx after:2004-03-16 before:"2004-03-17 13:30"
This will return everything that was written by the user cybrainx between 2004-03-16 and 2004-03-17 13:30.


Search data collected and supplied by palimpsest, who also inspired the filters. Name inspired by Maikel. CyBrainX, Phanlo and Pango were my trusty albeit unwitting search guineapigs. Continuity for believing. Document and search icons created by Freepik - Flaticon. Search engine by Meilisearch. Infrastructure donated by Haasie.com.

Qooble is a passion project not in any way affiliated with QBN LLC or any QBN subsidiary. This is not the future you wanted, but it is the future you deserve.